It is important for all brands to grow with society, while still maintaining their brand identity.
Chanel communications strategy is built up though appealing to the masses and meeting customers aspirations. Giving people something to look up to and aspire towards the sophisticated and elegant lifestyle that Chanel embodies. This is done through campaigns, featuring famous celebrities to give a face to represent the brand and a face for people to look to for inspiration. Someone that represents what they company stands for and shares their values. Such as Kristen Stewart, Chanel’s brand ambassador and campaign star. Reflect her boyish yet feminine style with the power that come’s with her being a young and successful woman. Appealing to Chanel’s target consumers through celebrities. Choosing who to represent brands is extremely important as picking the wrong person will completely represent the brand in the wrong way.

There have been many changes made to Chanel in its 100 years, that has caused Chanel to grow and change with the times such. Karl Lagerfeld was named director of the house of Chanel in 1983, after the death of Gabrielle Chanel. Lagerfeld is described to have ‘saved Chanel as a fashion house’ (Elena Stafyeva22.02.2019), as since Chanel’s death the company began focusing on fragrances and selling accessory’s as they made the most profits. However, nothing new was being designed all Chanel suits were just being copied with just small minor changes being made each year. Chanel was close to beginning to lose its value as a brand much the way that many brands due when the founder of the brand dies. When Lagerfeld became director of house, he restructured Gabrielle Chanel heritage and made strict codes that the fashion house to follow such as bringing back what Chanel was so iconic for, tweed gold, beige, pink, black. He also brought back items such as the little black dress, pearls, ballerina shoes, the tweed jacket, oversized gold jewellery, the Chanel 2.55 bag. He brought back to life all of the elements that made Chanel to show an example of this I have created a brand resonance pyramid. Brand resonance pyramid are all about the relationship between the consumer and the brand and how people relate the brand. This was key for Lagerfeld to remind consumers of everything that Chanel is and stands for that everyone loved and still dose. Working with historical recognisable items that was already Chanel’s DNA .

As society is increasingly becoming more aware of the effect we are having on the environment. It is just as important that brands such as Chanel ensure they are making changes to their brand, as fashion is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. If nothing is changed this will increase by 50% in 2030. This year Chanel launched a new sustainability initiative called ‘channel mission 1.5’, Named after Paris climate agreement. Aiming to address the role that fashion labels and retails have on the environment and lower their carbon footprint. This will include Chanel switching to 100% renewable electricity, balance residual carbon emissions, and helping projects that will help the transition to generating smaller amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Chanel also announced in 2018 that they would stop using fur and no longer use exotic animal skins within their collections. As they plan to develop sustainable materials that have a low environmental impact. This shows channel as a brand that cares not just about sales but about the environment and are actively try to change this. this will massively impact society’s view on the company as the consumers relationship with brands are key to creating a successful business.